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Seniorforsker Carlos A. Arias fra Institut for Bioscience har sammen med sine internationale partnere på spildevandsprojektet INCOVER modtaget en…
I DR P1 morgen onsdag d. 20. juni fortalte Centerleder Niels Peter Revsbech om det danske grundvand, som der stadig er grund til at spare på, selvom…
Et stort minivådområde med filtermatrice blev indviet ved Gyldenholm Gods på Sjælland. WATEC-forskere fra Institut for Agroøkologi og Institut for…
We are proud to announce that our Head of Centre, Professor Niels Peter Revsbech has been chosen to become Fellow of the Geochemical Society and…
Department of Geoscience is testing a new concept for chemical remediation in collaboration with Region South Denmark. Vast amounts of chemical waste…
Som en af de førende lande inden for grundvandsløsninger, skal Danmark nu videreudvikle de danske løsninger, så de kan anvendes i Californien. WATEC…
1st WATEC Annual Meeting, 16 April, 2018
Study the programme and view the binder to learn more.
A delegation from the China Geological Survey visited Aarhus University on 10 April to sign a cooperation agreement (Memorandum of Understanding) to…
With four donations totalling more than DKK 40 million, Aarhus University's new Centre for Water Technology (WATEC) is off to a flying start and…
The European research infrastructure AnaEE (Analysis and Experimentation on Ecosystems) addresses the grand challenge of ensuring sustainable and…
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