Aarhus University Seal

Former participants

Advanced Water Cycle Management Course is a great place to develop new skills, and gain insights into the importance of the water cycle, taught by some of Denmark’s leading industry experts. The course can also be an exciting opportunity for future career paths, as well as a great place to getting to know new people. See for yourself what previous participants has to say!

José Isaac Hernández González AWCMC Class of 2023

Why did you choose the course?

Because the course covered some interesting topics related with water. I was searching for a water course or a program which included theorical and practical cases, and it was the optimal selection for the academic-business relation.

What is your background?

I am sustainable development engineer graduated from Tecnólogico de Monterrey, in Mexico. When I participated in the course, I was doing a master’s degree in science and engineering, focused on sustainability.

How did you benefit from the course?

I got some novel knowledge about groundwater, water distribution and wastewater treatment, and at the same time, it allowed me to generate networking with people interested in water security from around the world.

How was the course?

The course developed me interest in many water topics. But the best thing for me was the visits to the companies, as I could know how the theorical knowledge is being applied in the industry and governmental institutions.

What are you working with now?

I’m working on my master’s thesis. It is about biogas production from the anaerobic co-digestion of microalgae and sewage sludge. When I graduate, I would like to do a PhD related with the detection and removal of soil and groundwater pollutants. 

Did the course impact your line of study/work? If so, how?

Of course, the course opened my perspective of water care and when I came back to Mexico I applied all learnings in my thesis project. The course reaffirmed in me the importance of water availability and management, and I convinced of going into this field for the future.

Amalie Hessellund Nielsen AWCMC Class of 2021

Why did you choose the course?
I already had knowledge about wastewater treatment but was curious about the other parts of the water cycle. Furthermore, the interactions with the companies and the many international students were appealing to me as well. 

What is your background?
I have a bachelor's degree in biotechnology from Aarhus University, where I'm currently pursuing my Master's degree in the same field. 

How did you benefit from the course?
I gained insight into the full water cycle, which I otherwise wouldn't have. The best part was meeting all the companies and to get an industrial perspective on the curriculum. I also enjoyed socializing with the diverse group of students. 

How was the course?
It was very intense with 12+ hours days, but the social activities and company visits made it worth it. At the end of the course, we had 3 days of casework, where we were able to use our freshly obtained knowledge, which was very useful. 

What are you working with now?
Currently, I'm working on my thesis, where I investigate whether it is possible to recover EPS (biofilm polymers) from wastewater from Viby WWTP and transform it into valuable products, as a part of obtaining a more circular wastewater treatment process. When I graduate, I hope to get a job where I'm contributing to the establishment of a circular economy in our society.  

Did the course impact your line of study/work?
I was already aware that I wanted to work with water, but the course gave me a more holistic view of the water industry and opened my eyes to the hydraulic and groundwater aspects. I'm sure that I will use some of the knowledge in my future job. 

Jonathan Guld Christensen AWCMC Class of 2021

Why did you choose the course?
I chose the course as I wanted to learn more about water treatment technology, especially the entire water cycle from cradle to grave. I was inspired to take the course as I followed AU's course in water treatment technology, which gave me a detailed introduction to the world of wastewater treatment, and all the engineering complexity of this field of study. It also seemed attractive to me to attend a two-week summer school course with lots of industry involvement, as opposed to a standard 5 ECTS course during the semester.

What is your background?
My background is in biotechnology and chemical engineering at Aarhus University. I am finishing my masters here at the moment.

How did you benefit from the course?
It gave me an understanding of all the different processes, intelligent solutions and challenges of water discovery, water distribution, and wastewater treatment. I joined the deep-dive into wastewater treatment, and as such expanded further on my wastewater treatment knowledge.

How was the course?
It was definitely one of the best courses I have attended at AU. That said, it was some very long days and very intense teaching. Especially the first full days of teaching seemed long, but I also learned an incredible deal in a very short period of time. Getting to know a lot of students from other areas of expertise was also one of the highlights.

What are you working with now?
Right now I am working on my masters at Danish Technological Institute, where we are working on a microalgae technology to be used as a protein feed source.

Did the course impact your line of study/work?
It definitely encouraged me to keep my close ties with the water sector alive, and I hope to keep working within or close to the water industry, once I finish my studies.

Laura-Carlota Paz AWCMC Class of 2019

I joint the WATEC course in 2019 with a background in Microbiology and interest but not much knowledge in water cycle management. The course gave me a in-depth insight into the field, challenged me personally to leave my comfort zone and was a great possibility to network and extend my point of view on the topic. Furthermore, it opened a great possibility for me as I meet my future (and current) employee during the company evening. Now I am already two years at I-GIS with lovely colleagues (the only biologist among geologist and software developers) and I am enjoying my work there profoundly. For me, it was a great opportunity to join this course and I got more out of it than I could ever have expected.