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In connection with this year’s Grundfos Prize event, the Poul Due Jensen Foundation hosted the Grundfos Prize Research EXPO. The expo featured…
Arnaud Jéglot from Department of Agroecology at Aarhus University has been awarded a Scientific Exchange Grant by the European Molecular Biology…
About 100 researchers are associated with WATEC and about 50% are Early-Career Researchers (PhD students, postdoc etc.). The idea of a WATEC…
Results from tTEM surveys conducted in two refugee camps and several host communities in western Tanzania demonstrate the capability of the method to…
WATEC Aarhus University Centre for Water Technology strives to facilitate interdisciplinary research and collaboration with internal and external…
WATEC is continuously working on forming strategic partnerships with companies and utilities to deliver water technology solutions meeting societal…
Providing clean water and sanitation while still protecting natural environments is one of greatest challenges in modern society, one of the UN…
25-50% of all distributed water globally is lost or never invoiced due to illegal connections, inaccurate billing systems, inaccurate metering,…
WATEC welcomes new Centre Manager Karen Maegaard
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