Be aware that visa may be required by some non-EU citizen in order to be able to enter Denmark.
Please contact the Danish Embassy in your home country for further clarification and specific instructions.
We urge you to pay close attention to deadlines and leave sufficient time for processing at the embassies.
Please let us know if you are in the need of a "Letter of Invitation" or any other required documentation in order to have your visa issued.
The need for pocket money will be relatively small during the course as food is included and most vendors prefer credit card.
Currency exchange at Forex
The exchange rates are better and you do not pay a fee when buying foreign currency at Forex.
Address: Forex, Banegårdspladsen 20, 8000 Aarhus C, (+45) 8680 0340.
Opening hours:
Monday-Friday: 10.00-18.00
Saturday: 10.00-15.00
Credit card/cash points
There are no cash points in Låsby but cash points are available throughout the city of Aarhus
(+45 country code for Denmark)
Electricity in Denmark is 230V AC. Plugs are European standard with two round pins.
Practical Issues
Responsible Course Coordinator: Karen Maegaard:
AU Summer University
Academic coordinator
Associate Professor Thomas Seviour