The research of Professor Erik Jeppesen and colleagues includes development and testing of high-frequency online monitoring systems in the field.
Also Professor Erik Jeppesen and colleagues are running some of the most advanced mesocosms and stream channel experiments in the world. This includes the World’s longest running (since 2003) mesocosm pond experiment, with low and high frequency monitoring of key ecological variables, metabolism and greenhouse gas emissions under different climate and nutrient loading scenarios.
The system is part of important research projects focusing on developing, testing and harmonizing instrumental and modelling tools for field experiments. Among these are the Horizon 2020 infrastructure project AQUACOSM (4 years) and ANNEE Denmark (5 years).
The unique research facilities at Aarhus University together with intensive world wild collaboration with other research groups allows for national and international full scale mesocosms experiments.
Please contact us, if you are looking for collaboration opportunity or want to learn more.