Aarhus University Seal

Department of Biology - WATEC researchers

Hans Brix

Head of Department, Professor Department of Biology

Lars Peter Nielsen

Professor Department of Biology - Microbiology

Brian Keith Sorrell

Associate Professor Department of Biology - Aquatic Biology

Carlos Alberto Arias

Senior Researcher Department of Biology - Aquatic Biology

Lars Riis Damgaard

Member of Administrative Staff Department of Biology - Microbiology

Mette L. G. Nikolajsen

Laboratory Technician Department of Biology - Microbiology

Tenna Riis

Professor Department of Biology - Aquatic Biology

Hans Røy

Associate Professor Department of Biology - Microbiology

Kasper Urup Kjeldsen

Associate Professor Department of Biology - Microbiology

Klaus Koren

Associate Professor Department of Biology - Microbiology

Ugo Marzocchi

Assistant Professor Department of Biology - Microbiology

Lars Borregaard Pedersen

Laboratory Technician Department of Biology - Microbiology


Your are always welcome to reach out to the local WATEC contact person.