Aarhus University Seal

Facilities and Skills - Department of Environmental Science


 Chemical determinations

  • All kinds of pharmaceuticals (30)
  • Pharmaceutical transformation products (10)
  • All kinds of biocides (30)
  • Transformation products of biocides (20)
  • Flame retardants (10)
  • Fragrances and other personal care compounds (PPCPs) (15)
  • Endocrine disrupting compounds (10)

Enantioselective determinations and enantioselective processes

Instruments for Quantitations

  • Several gas chromatographs with mass spectrometric detection (GC-MS)
  • 2 Liquid chromatography with mass spectrometric detection (HPLC- Triple mass spectrometers / HPLC-MS/MS)
  • Several process HPLC

Cost Effectiveness Assessments: Berit Hasler, PhD, Senior Researcher - Head of section.

Life Cycle Assessment: Marianne Thomsen, Professor of industrial ecology and head of the ecoindustrial systems analysis research unit at the Department of Environmental Science AU. Her research is performed in close collaboration with industries and/or governance institutions with special focus on the ability of ecoindustrial systems to deliver engineered services in terms climate change mitigation and environmental (e.g. water quality) restoration, which is the key towards a circular regenerative (bio-)economy. Coordinator of the strategic research area Resource flows in a circular Economy. Expert panel member of the Water sectors Development and Demonstration Program. Responsible for the Danish GHG emission inventory for the waste sector reported under the Climate Convention.

Looking for collaboration opportunity or want to learn more please contact the centre.